Tattoos with meaning

What Does Quotation Marks Tattoo Mean?

Punctuation tattoos seem to be all the rage these days due to the fact that they take up a small amount of space on the skin yet usually hold deep meanings to their owners. This is definitely the case with quotation marks tattoos, though they aren’t quite as popular as some of the other punctuation options. As you’ll find out on this page, though, most quotation marks tattoo meanings work for just about everyone, making them an excellent tat option.

If you are interested in a quotation marks tattoo, you should get to know all of the meanings attached to it before you commit. There’s a pretty good chance that you will learn something about the marks that you didn’t know before. You might find out that it actually isn’t the type of tattoo for you, or you could actually find that it’s even more perfect than you had previously thought. Either way, you should always know as much about the tattoo design that you are getting before you have it inked on your skin.


Popular Quotation Marks Tattoo Meanings

Easily the most common reason why people get their quotation marks tattoos is because they want to show that they have the power to create their own story. This meaning is excellent for anyone who wants to live a unique life rather than living the “normal” life. Interestingly, this meaning can be very personal to the owner or it could be the type of meaning that they want to share with the world. It’s one of those meanings that most people don’t know about but makes sense instantly once you tell them about it.

Another cool reason why some people get quotation marks tattoos is because they want to show that they have a lot to say even when they aren’t speaking. It’s a great meaning to use if you are a quiet person with a big personality just underneath the surface. The truth is that there are millions of folks who have a lot to say but have a hard time saying it out loud, so this is a meaning that could be a great fit for plenty of people.

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