Tattoo ideas

50 Pulsar Map Tattoo Designs For Men – Pioneer Plaque Ink Ideas

Conquering the final frontier has been on the mind of scientists for centuries, and because technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, we’re nearly at a time when space travel will be a reality.

What better time, then, to have a pulsar map handy as your next tattoo.


The pulsar map is part of the famous Pioneer plaques that accompanied the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 on their voyages in the unknown. Designed by Carl Sagan, a pulsar map can help you to triangulate your way back to earth no matter where you are in the Milky Way galaxy. It works because it identifies the relative location of fourteen pulsars, or the fourteen magnetic, rotating neutron stars that are in our galaxy, meaning that if you can find yourself near one of the pulsars, you can then use your relative position to that pulsar to find earth.

The pulsar map is not just for flaunting your knowledge and adoration of space; the pulsar map is a beautiful, geometric design that does not give off an imposing message. For those who don’t know what it is, the pulsar map simply seems to be a neat, uncommon design.

Take the pulsar map a step further by using a galaxy color scheme to the background, or keep it simple and sleek.



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