Tattoos with meaning

What Does Panda Tattoo Mean?

From cute and cuddly to big and fierce, the giant panda fills all slots on the application. Just by looking, the giant pandas look harmless. They always seem to be playing and fooling around and playing, but they can turn on a dime if something threatens their cubs. Because their personalities these giant pandas are very popular in the tattoo realm. People get the giant panda tattoo because they can draw from many parts of their personalities. It might depend on the day.

The meaning of the panda tattoo will depend on who you are asking and what they choose to focus on when getting the tattoo. It’s up to the person with the tattoo. However, everyone loves the giant panda and they really are cute as hell. This is another reason people get this tattoo. Whatever your reason is, it is your tattoo, and no one can tell you why you got it. On the other hand, there are a number of traits and symbolism attributed to the panda and some might look to get the tattoo because of that.


In this post we will talk about the panda and dive into their personality and habits. We will talk about the meaning of the panda tattoo and what the image of the panda symbolizes. In addition, we will be talking about some of the variations of the panda tattoo and talk about what those mean to the people getting them. By the end of this, we hope you have a better understanding of the panda and maybe help you to feel more comfortable getting your own panda tattoo.

About the Panda

The giant panda is native to China and is easily recognized with their black and white coloring. They have black ears and black rings around their eyes. Parts of their body is colored white as well while their legs are black. Sometimes they are mentioned along with the red panda, but they are completely unrelated. They both are part of the Carnivora order, but the giant panda almost exclusively feeds on bamboo.

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