Tattoos with meaning

What Does Wolf Tattoo Mean?

It shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that the wolf tattoo is one of the most popular animal tattoos in the world. Not only are wolves beautiful, they also represent many of the qualities that people like (or would like) to see in themselves. There are a lot of excellent wolf tattoo meanings to choose from. On this page we will take a look at those meanings as well as some wolf symbolism history.

The wolf is a very symbolic creature in a variety of cultures. Many believe that the wolf is a powerful symbol and has many great powers. In a way, this is the best wolf tattoo meaning to choose since it represents all that is mystical about the animal rather than just one or two things. Plus, it’s a more general meaning, so you can use it to motivate you based on your present situation.


Native Americans regarded the wolf as a totem animal. A totem animal is a spiritual being sent to help guide us through life. Obviously this is a wolf tattoo meaning that plenty of people can use. If you are the type of person who needs that extra push when you’re facing a tough decision, then you might find that the wolf tattoo is the perfect animal tattoo for you. When using this meaning, you could even add in a few more tattoo designs to really bring that meaning home.

The wolf is a symbol of perseverance. If you were looking for a tattoo that represents your ability to stay determined no matter what happens in your life, then look no further than the wolf tattoo. What’s great about this meaning is that you can add in more elements to make the meaning clearer, or you could decide to make it a more personal meaning and just let outsiders see a beautiful wolf tattoo.

Another excellent wolf tattoo meaning is loyalty. Since wolves are the ultimate pack leader, it just makes sense for this meaning to work with these tattoos. To make the loyalty meaning come through, you could get a tattoo with multiple wolves, though that isn’t completely necessary. In fact, if you want the wolf tattoo to represent your loyalty to those in your life, it might actually make sense to keep it as just one wolf. Both variations work well with this wolf tattoo meaning.

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