
Nuts During Pregnancy: The Powerhouse of Energy

One of the first things every new mom-to-be does is makes herself a chart of things to eat. If you glance into it, you would see no one would have missed out on nuts. Nuts during pregnancy or eating nuts while pregnant is a very good start to a healthy journey. It not only keeps the mother healthy but also boosts the growth of the baby. Many nuts like walnuts, cashew nuts etc. during pregnancy has the potential to boost the brain development of the baby. They are rich in essential oils, minerals and vitamins, but this does not mean you eat them a lot. It comes with a dosage. Take a look at our list of best nuts to eat during pregnancy.


Nutritional Benefits of Nuts During Pregnancy:

During pregnancy, mothers tend to get hungry at wee hours. Munching on unhealthy snacks like fried foods may seem alluring, but is best avoided. Nuts make an excellent snack choice that is also laden with beneficial properties for the expectant mother and her growing baby.

Nuts are naturally also rich in vitamin B and E. They are a good source of fat. However, roasting them in oil would lead to an unnecessary amount of calories and a high amount of protein. They sure taste good when toasted, but again it leads to the reduction of nutrient content. Remember to store them in airtight containers so, that doesn’t go rancid.

1. Protein:

Protein is very important for the growth of the fetus. They are considered very beneficial during pregnancy and including nuts in your daily diet gives you a good dose of protein.

2. Fibre:

Fibre from your diet helps to relieve some of the unpleasant problems of pregnancy such as haemorrhoids and constipation. Besides, it also helps in weight management and regulating blood pressure. Nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and hazelnuts have a high content of fibre that helps to alleviate problems associated with bowel movements.

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