Navel Piercing Aftercare That You Need to Follow!
If at any point in time you encounter a huge growth that makes the balls of your jewelry drive into your skin, or if you incur a hypertrophic scar (a variety of hard, round, granular tissue development throughout either the top or bottom ball of your piercing) or hyper granulation (more of a soft, bubble-like, reddish swelling), your ornaments may be too tight for you. In this instance, you should consult your piercer right away and require to have a larger barbell included. Extended stress on your piercing can induce necrosis, or tissue death, which can point to an infection. Taking the pressure down is the only way to circumvent necrosis and address issues like hyper granulation an opportunity to fix themselves. You’ll also want to ramp up your aftercare management for the next 1 to 2 weeks, delivering full sea salt solution soaks (more cautiously with tea tree oil) 3 times a day and spritzing your piercing with some kind of sea salt solution that you got from your local drug store or if you made it yourself.
If the area around your belly button piercing produces streaky red lines throughout it or becomes hot to the touch, and/or if the belly button piercing starts leaking a thicker, yellowish, pus-like discharge, odds are you’ve gone from an irritation to a full-blown infection. If you encounter any of these traits, see your family physician as soon as feasible. You may require an antibiotic to fight the problem. Be certain to ramp up your aftercare management as detailed above if your belly button piercing becomes infected. You should be capable to have your piercing as long as you keep it neat and take any antibiotics you’re appointed till you complete the medicine.
Important Note: Don’t ever take a role in a prescription of antibiotics and end it abruptly, even if you begin to feel better. The contamination will just grow more robust to the point that the medicine can no longer overcome it, and you could acquire immunity to that distinct antibiotic.