Gadgets & technology

The Most Stylish Cameras In The World

Gone are the days where you’d have to carry an actual camera around your neck if you wanted decent snaps. Now, everyone is a photographer thanks to smartphones and the increasingly powerful cameras built into them. But what if you want more? And what if you want something that looks as good as the images it produces?

Okay, so no, an attractive camera won’t help you take better photos. But, it might mean you’ll want to pick it up more often than you would a chunky plastic DSLR, resulting in more photos, which is no bad thing if you’re after value for money. Instagram will thank you.


The internet is awash with technical reviews on every camera under the sun, but they all too often overlook design. Let’s face it, if you’re spending hundreds on an inanimate object, chances are you want it to look and feel good. And, since we’re all about the aesthetics, we thought we’d break down the best cameras on the market, not by technical performance but by how they look. Yes, we’re shallow (although, to be clear, every camera below is capable of pro-grade imagery.)

Fujifilm X100F

The Most Stylish DSLR & CSC Cameras

At the more professional end of the camera spectrum lie DSLRs (digital single lens reflex) and CSCs (compact system cameras). The former is a traditional setup, complete with optical viewfinders and mirrors – just like any camera from the 20th century, whereas the latter is mirrorless and therefore smaller. Both offer interchangeable lenses.

Nikon DF

Most DSLRs are horrible plastic designs, so it was refreshing when Nikon introduced the DF back in 2013. It’s a real camera, with metal bodywork and actual dials that you can twist and prod. The design is based on Nikon F-series film cameras of the ‘70s, and, to the untrained eye, it looks like a 35mm SLR. But, it has all the innards you’d expect from a brand new bit of tech – win, win.

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