Tattoo design

20+ Lotus Flower Tattoo Design Ideas (Meaning and Inspirations)

Also known as lotus, lotus flowers have a very deep religious meaning as well as other spiritual ones. Lotus flowers can symbolize compassion, purity, and even strength. Lotus flowers sometimes grow in the most polluted water but bloom beautifully and still, create beautiful petal flowers.

Lotus flower tattoos are popular among people of Asian descent. In fact, they can even symbolize eternal life. This is because the lotus flower grows in every possible condition. Because the existent of the lotus flower never ends, it is believed to be an eternal creature.


Lotus flower tattoos can be placed anywhere on the body but their most common placements are the foot, the back, or the arms. Lotus flowers have an extensive list of meanings and are usually very personal tattoos.

If you’re looking for a meaningful, beautiful, and realistic lotus flower tattoo that has a deep and important representation, we’ve got you covered. Here below you’ll find the 15 most beautiful lotus flower tattoos as well as some Japanese lotus tattoo to consider.

What Does a Lotus Flower Mean Spiritually?

Image Source: Saved Tattoo

Lotus flowers have different spiritual meanings that are all important and deep. First of all, lotus flowers symbolize peace. In fact, with its beautiful pink color, it simplifies the fact of simply being. Lotus flowers float on the water and are not impacted by what happens in the external world. For this reason, lotus flowers symbolize peacefulness.

Secondly, lotus flowers can also represent wisdom. White lotus flowers represent spiritual wisdom as they have open petals symbolizing mind-opening and its full connection with the world around them. This spiritual meaning is one of the most powerful reasons why people tattoo themselves with a lotus flower.

Moreover, it can also represent courage. Yellow and orange lotus flowers can be compared with the energy of life and fire, and therefore, can represent perseverance as well as bravery.

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