Tattoo design

60+ Popular Triangle Tattoo Design Ideas (2022 Updated)

Triangles make for a very popular tattoo choice for men and women alike. This is due to the sheer versatility of the design, as well as its rich symbolic meaning.

In this triangle tattoo design guide, we’ll take you through some a diverse range of triangle tattoo ideas, as well as introduce you to the various symbolic and emblematic meanings attached to the shape.


Triangle Tattoo Symbolism

The triangle most commonly represents christianity as it refers to the holy trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy ghost. For believers, this is a powerful emblem of their faith and getting the design inked serves as a permanent reminder of their religion.

For those who come from Norse origins, the triangle might refer to “Valknut”, which is a Norwegian compound word meaning “knot of those fallen in battle”. The Valknut is from the viking era and is represented with three interlocking triangles.

In ancient Greece, the Delta glyph triangle was linked to accessing great and eternal wisdom. Today, in mathematics and physics, the Delta symbol means “change” or “difference”. This can be particularly pertinent for those seeking some kind of transformation.

Even if you’re not all religious or interested in Norse or Ancient Greek culture, the triangle can still have symbolic value for you. Many think of it as the three points of the self, i.e. the mind, the body and the spirit. Some also attach a temporal meaning, seeing it as the connection between the past, the present and the future.

Triangles possess a wealth of symbolic meaning and have been around since the beginning of civilization. This is why it’s such a profound and popular tattoo, you can choose precisely what kind of meaning you want to convey with your personal triangle tattoo and thereby make it your own!

So, for a wealth of triangle tattoo inspiration, see below!

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