Health & wellness

7 Kundalini Yoga Poses and Its Benefits

Kundalini Yoga is a very old system that comprises of large selection of meditation techniques. The yoga form is a brilliant and wonderful combination of poses, breathing exercises and incantations. The poses under Kundalini yoga are specifically targeted at the strengthening the nerves and glands, the lymphatic system and circulatory system. Pranayama is an essential part of Kundalini yoga as it helps to change the brain chemistry for good, in order to develop peace and harmony. All the techniques under this yoga help to rejuvenate the meridian points and chakras throughout the body. This helps to free the latent energy and light present in the body.


The Practise of Kundalini Yoga Helps With

  • Healing manias
  • Healing alcohol and drug abuse
  • Healing depressions
  • Healing sleeplessness
  • Healing other mental problems.

The yoga form is considered a meditative and physical aspect of yoga. The yoga technique under this form engages the mind, senses and body so that the union of body and mind is established. Besides making a person mature, the major focus of Kundalini yoga is psycho-spiritual growth. The spine and the endocrine system are given utmost importance so that the Kundalini may be awakened.

Even though the yoga form is physical, its major benefit is obtained through inner experience. The yoga form is very tough and elaborate, consisting of asanas, expressive movements and incantations, pranayamas and meditation.

[Read: Nada Yoga — Healing Your Soul by The Power of Sound]

Kundalini energy is an energy that is latent in all human beings beneath the organic and inorganic matter. The practice of Kundalini is to awaken this dormant energy and send them through the six centres of spiritual energy called the chakras. One can attain liberation through the practice of Kundalini yoga, which is said to give both joy and emancipation.

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