
Tips and Tricks On Using Jaggery For Babies

Jaggery or popularly known as ‘gud’ has been a part of the Indian households for centuries. The delectable sweet was once used as a sweet dish that was served to guests and still is in rural India. On the other hand, Jaggery is also used as a common sweetening agent in many recipes. Because of its profound sweetness as well as its high content of vitamins and minerals making it also a healthier alternative. Gud though has been not only a part of the adult diet. But also a very popular ingredient in baby recipes. But is jaggery good for babies? Let’s find out that can we give jaggery to babies and if yes what are its pros and cons.

Can We Give Jaggery To Babies For Consumption? Is It Safe?

Yes, Jaggery is safe, even though the debate surrounding jaggery and its consumption. Have always been at loggerheads from both ends, Jaggery can actually be consumed by babies. Although what needs to be kept in mind is the age and the method. We use to feed this ingredient as that plays a vital role.


The Right Time To Start Including Jaggery InYour Baby’s Diet

This is the most important aspect to keep in mind. As advised by doctor’s no real form of sugar should be fed to babies till, they aren’t one year old. So, jaggery should only be included in the diet of a baby after they turn one year old. Once your baby is a year old. You can start including jaggery in their food but only in a specific quantity.

Benefits Of Jaggery For Babies:

Jaggery contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that help with normal baby ailments such as,

1. Anemia:

A lot of kids, generally babies suffer from anemia due to the low iron content in their blood. A small amount of jaggery such as 10 gm contains 0.3 mg of iron. Which is the recommended dietary allowance for daily consumption suggested by RDA.

2. Flu Treatment:

Jaggery for newborns helps in treating cough and cold instantly. Jaggery helps in regulating the body temperature of the baby. As well as bringing it down if they have a high temperature. A concoction made of jaggery and warm water can be used to treat the flu, cold or a minor cough.

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