Cars and rides

Japanese Foldable Motorcycle Transforms Into Easy-To-Carry Square

A startup by the name of ICOMA, a Japanese manufacturer of bikes, has recently showcased its foldable electric motorcycle, the Tatamel Bike. It can be collapsed so it can be brought into smaller spaces for easy storage and a heightened sense of security.

When in its normal, ready-to-ride condition, it is 1,230 mm long, 1,000 mm tall, and 650 mm wide (48.4 by 39.3 by 25.6 in). Folded, however, it is a bit smaller, coming in at 700 mm long by 680 mm tall and 260 mm wide (27.6 by 26.8 by 10.2 in). 


The compact stature is intentional according to the designer, hoping to make a fun and portable bike. The bike’s front folds upward, locking securely when it is go time. The back of the ride comes out from the side panel, taking its place upon the kickstand when ready to roll.

The bike’s power comes from the reliable lithium iron phosphate battery. It has enough juice to get the Tatamel to at least 25 mph.

A common question about e-bikes is how far they can go on a single charge. In this case, estimates fall in the realm of 31 miles thanks to a portable power supply.



Although at first glance the rectangular side panels might look like a university library table, the designer has explained that they are interchangeable. The purpose behind the design is impressive. LED screens can be installed. Other choices are original artwork and solar panels.

At the very least, consumers are encouraged to choose a panel design that suits their home and/or office decor. When you fold up a motorcycle and bring it inside, you’re not going to want it to be a total nuisance tucked behind the couch.




The seat finds itself above the side panel. Meanwhile, the handlebars pop up toward the front of the two-wheel mode of transportation.

In the promotional video below, the designer states that a full team is now helping prepare the Tatamel for mass production. At this point in time, a release date has not been stated nor has the price information.

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