Fashion tips

How to Style Sweatpants in a Fashion-Forward Way

Welcome to the latest edition of Ask CF! Every two weeks, we select a reader fashion question and answer it here on the site. Do you have a specific fashion question for us? Scroll to the bottom of this post to learn how to send it our way!

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Ask CF Question

Dear CF,

I’ve seen your many articles on sweatpants (and I love them! I love sweatpants!) but I’ve been searching around the Internet and I can’t seem to find a certain thing. You see, I have a pair of grey heather sweatpants with the purple logo of my hockey team on the leg. I’m stumped as to how to style these in a way that matches, except with a plain black t-shirt, and that’s kinda boring. Can you help?

Our Response

Dear LW,

For many college students, sweatpants are one of those things that you just throw on when you want to be comfortable and don’t care much about how you look; so kudos to you for wanting to make this old standby look stylish and cool!

The good news is that styling sweatpants in a way that is exciting and trendy is not so difficult; in fact, the only real thing that you have to keep in mind is that you’re going for a streamlined and modern look, as opposed to something that just blends in.

This means that, when looking for clothes to pair with your sweatpants, you should search for pieces that are structured and modern-looking and that have little details that stand out, so as to avoid the dreaded I-just-got-back-from-the-gym look, when you definitely haven’t gone to the gym!

Before we begin with the actual looks themselves, though, I just wanted to note that I was unable to find any heather gray sweatpants with a purple logo specifically. So, for the purposes of this article, I will be using these sweatpants, which have a mostly-red logo on the leg, as this was the closest thing to a purple logo that I could find.

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