Grooming & style

Best Men's Cologne Guide – How To Wear Fragrance

Chances are you’ve caught whiff of that distinctive Old Spice aftershave scent in the wind, and had it bring back some past memories. Perhaps it was your fathers or grandfather’s, or maybe you remember something else like the scent of leather in a car you rode in for years. Whichever it may be, it’s that power of fragrance which triggers one of our five senses.

While our sense of smell might not be as well developed as the other four body senses, it still deserves some recognition. In fact, our sense of smell is the only sense that’s directly hardwired onto our brain. Not to mention it’s so strong it can actually alter a massive list of things including: Our brain chemistry, mood, sleep, confidence, and our physical and cognitive performance.


There’s a ton of research already out there, here’s one study that puts things into perspective. Researchers took oils from sandalwood and frankincense and were able to examine its effect in increasing the brains oxygen levels by 28 percent. Yet what that equates to is a dramatic change in emotions, learning and attitude.

Plus when it comes to fragrance having an effect on our memory, which is often the most notable, here’s how it works. When you get that first drift of scent up your nose, you start to form nerve connections. These nerve connections in the brain link together scents with emotions.

Since both smell and emotion reside in limbic system of our brain, they both operate together on the same network. Not to mention there’s another part of the brain called the hippocampus which is also located in the limbic system. What makes this part so unique is that it plays the role of forming new memories in our brain.

Why Do Men Wear Cologne And What Is It?

For men cologne is simply another fashion accessory, yet it’s one that’s unknown to the eye. And while it might appear invisible, it creates an aura around us to clarify our own personal style. These scents create attraction and mystery as we often force ourselves to discover certain smells and indulge in more.

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