BeautyHair care

How to Use Listerine For Dandruff? – 3 Easy Methods!

Is Dandruff giving you nightmares? Tried all sorts of remedies, but in vain? Don’t worry! There is a perfect solution to every problem and in this case, is Listerine. Yes! Using Listerine for Dandruff is a proven remedy for almost 20 years. Listerine is a powerful antiseptic and antifungal product that is designed to kill germs in your mouth. The same concept can be used to drive fungal growth on your hair and control scalp itchiness. In this article, we shall learn how to use Listerine for Dandruff and its benefits for your hair.

Does Listerine Remove Dandruff?

Listerine has always been marketed as an anti-dandruff agent. The anti-germ mouth wash is believed to be effective against yeast and fungal infections. Here are some of the top benefits of Listerine for Dandruff control:

  • Listerine contains Methyl Salicylate, which is an anti-inflammatory agent that can reduce scalp inflammations.
  • It is composed of Menthol, thymol and Eucalyptus, which cools your scalp and offers immediate relief from burning and itching sensation.
  • It can also control excess sebum on your scalp.
  • Listerine also leaves your hair smelling fresh.

How to Get Rid OF Dandruff With Listerine?

Although it is a known fact that Listerine works for your dandruff, the procedure to use it is not quite clear. If you thought you could apply Listerine directly on your scalp, you are quite wrong. Listerine is a potent product that can burn your bruised scalp. To prevent such problems, we have put together some of the safe and effective ways to use Listerine on your hair.

1. Listerine and Water:

The best way of using Listerine for dandruff is to dilute it with water, depending on the severity of the issue. For milder dandruff, you can go for 2 parts of Listerine to 1 part of water. Stubborn dandruff needs a more stronger solution. Whatever may be the case, never go for undiluted Listerine as it can lead to scalp burns.

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