Lifestyle & relationships

How To Support Your Partner Through a Hard Time

It’s tough to see someone that you love struggling. All you want to do is help, but sometimes you can be left feeling helpless, especially if you’re unfamiliar with what’s giving your partner a hard time. Being a supportive partner is someone everyone looks for in a relationship, it probably (almost definitely) made it onto your own list, so it’s time to step up and prove you can be the partner they deserve. To know how to do exactly that, you’ll want to keep on reading.

Ask Them if There’s Anything Specific That You Can Do To Help


We all have different ways of dealing with tough times, which means we all have different needs that we want our partner to meet. A previous partner of yours may have just wanted you to listen to them while they expressed their feelings on the situation, while your current partner may want you to take it up a notch and give advice.

Asking your partner if there’s anything specific that you can do to support them will ensure you’re meeting their needs. It’s important that you touch base with them throughout as the situation may change and affect what kind of support they need from you.

Give Them Extra TLC

Let them know that they’re loved. Hard times can feel extremely lonely, especially if you aren’t able to relate to what’s happening to them. It’s also inevitable that you’ll see a different side to your partner during this time, but it’s important to remember that these qualities aren’t usually permanent.

Think back to when you’ve had a stressful week at work. You’re irritable and less patient but these traits tend to pass once the feelings of stress do. Make it clear that you’re still crazy in love with them despite all of this.

To do this you’ll need to know what their love language is so you can express it in a way that they’ll receive. Do they prefer touch, quality time, or even compliments? Turning up the love for your partner will give them more courage and motivation to keep fighting knowing that someone loves them.

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