
How To Remove Black Spots On Skin?

Aloe vera, the natural gel that has already proven its benefits, is an essential ingredient in herbal treatments. It is available in plant form in most homes and packaged gel or juice form in the markets. Although most people have started consuming aloe vera juice to cleanse and detox the body, it is also a great ingredient to treat dark spots. This is one of the best natural remedies to heal black skin spots, stings, burns or brown spots. This has lubricant to nourish the rashes and even blackheads. Read on for details on how to use it.

  • Rub the fresh aloe vera gel on your dark spots.
  • Let it dry for 30 min.
  • Wash with normal water.
  • Do this twice a day for quick results.

5. Castor Oil Can Get Rid Of Black Spots On Skin:


Castor oil, the most sticky oil used for hair care in ancient times, also has other best benefits. The natural healing properties in castor oil give it the power to erase dark spots or any skin colour imbalances forever. Although it takes some time to get rid of the sticky nature of the oil, its essential healing properties make it worth trying! Read on to know-how.

  • Apply some castor oil with the help of a cotton ball daily, twice a day.
  • Massage gently all over the area for a few minutes.
  • This can also be done with other oils like coconut, almond or olive oil to reduce dark spots.

See More:  How To Have Smooth Skin

6. Sandalwood:

Sandalwood powder, the most aromatic tree product ever, often used in divine rituals, is excellent for the skin. You must have noticed that most soaps have this ingredient in them. Sandal naturally has skin healing properties, and when it comes to dark spots, this plant product can make wonders happen. With its anti-ageing property and skin tightening, smoothening and lightening power, Sandal can erase dark spots when often used as a face pack. Here is the procedure to make your sandal face pack:

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