Fashion tips

How to Make Your Summer Staples Workplace-Appropriate

Summer internships and jobs are practically required for college students looking to make the most of their vacation time. If you’re working in an office this summer, it’s important to dress professionally, but it can be hard without getting hot. What doesn’t make it much better is that most college students don’t have the budget for a full work wardrobe.


So how can we solve this? One way is to learn to style the summer staples you have in your closet for internships/work. That way, you can save money while dressing professionally in the summer.

Of course, not all summer staples are going to fly in the workplace, especially not in conservative workplaces. Because of this, we’ve included some tips below to guide you. As well, keep in mind that the outfits below are best for fashion-forward workplaces, casual internships and jobs, and casual Fridays.

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Things to keep in mind:

  • Because you’re probably wearing a casual piece to work, it’s best to keep the rest of the look more professional. If you’re wearing a casual summer piece and add another summer piece to your look, it may turn out to be less professional than you wanted it to be.
  • Natural, breathable fabrics are great for hot weather. Natural fabrics, like cotton and linen, will keep you much cooler than artificial fabrics, such as polyester and nylon.
  • Loose-fitting silhouettes are a good idea. Because it’s gonna be hot out and you might encounter times where the AC is broken, slightly loose-fitting clothes will keep you cool and won’t cling to your body.
  • Even though it’s hot, it’s best to avoid low-cut tops and dresses and short hemlines. This rule obviously applies to many workplaces. The hemline of your dress, skirt, or shorts should be no shorter than mid-thigh. (And take your cues from the office — if no one wears even mid-thigh items, stick with the hemline length that other people are wearing and don’t go shorter!)
  • In case the AC is on full-blast, bring a cardigan or a light jacket. Even though it’s hot outside, workplaces put their AC on, and it can get chilly inside. A cardigan or a blazer will not only keep you cool, but make sleeveless tops and dresses more professional.

Let’s take a look at the outfits, shall we?

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