Beard styles

The Fundamental Guide: How To Grow And Style A Handlebar Mustache

Can you name a more eye-catching facial accessory than the handlebar mustache? Having an air of Imperialism, its defining feature is particularly long and dense ends. The culture of facial hair, namely beards and mustaches, is given much attention nowadays. To succeed in growing handlebar whiskers, you should keep up with some simple rules. If you’re ready to give it the whirl, keep your eyes on our fundamental guide to one of the most exquisite and unique mustache styles.



What Is A Handlebar Mustache?

The famous handlebar mustache is a facial hairstyle that you will recognize among thousands of other mustache styles. Its resemblance to a handlebar of a bicycle is uncanny, hence the name. Bold and defined whiskers with extended curved ends come in many variations nowadays, so the term can be used to describe a wide range of mustache styles. The main difference between them is in where exactly the facial hair grows and how long it is.

You won’t confuse this hipster mustache with any other moustache styles, as they can be recognized easily by curled and twisted long thin tips. To keep them shaped, you need to employ many different kinds of styling products for grooming; otherwise, the tips will fall and look flat.


How To Grow A Handlebar Mustache

Of course, you’d like to know how to grow a mustache that has such a fancy shape. First of all, you need to be patient. To grow a mustache long enough to be shaped in a handlebar, it will take you at least one and a half months. In its defense, we can say that most facial hair styles require this long to grow. Second of all, you must start training your whiskers at the very beginning so that by the end of the growth period, they would be properly shaped.

Prepare Your Supplies

So, how to train your mustaches to reach their very best? Start with choosing a suitable mustache wax. For dense and kinky facial hair, opt for a stiff product. For softer and finer hair, on the contrary, go with a soft wax. Moreover, you’ll want to brush out and trim your mustache, so buy a comb with fine teeth and special scissors for hair trimming. The majority of beauty supply stores offer you this stuff.

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