College life

Six Tips for Creating Your Perfect Resume

When you enter the workforce, it feels like you’re hit with a million rules all at once.

You have to dress for the job you want (not the one you have), portray yourself appropriately, and always keep a professional yet original demeanor. But the weirdest ‘rule’ of all? You have to be able to sum up your whole self on one piece of clean, white paper.


Your resume is everything — it can make or break you and defines who you are and what you want. So, because of that, you want it to be perfect…right?

If you’re anything like me, you have reworked, redesigned, and reworded your resume over a dozen times. But there’s always room for improvement.

Between hours of research and multiple tries, I’ve finally found something that I -think- works for me.

So what are the secrets? What’s the right format? How should you describe yourself? While there is no right answer to these questions, here are six killer tips I’ve been given that helped me create my perfect resume:

Table of Contents

When you’re first starting out, your resume will be easy to create because you don’t have a ton of experience to offer — and that’s okay!

But as you continue on in your life, your list of jobs and experiences will grow. While every experience is important and has shaped who you are, keep in mind that most employers don’t need to know you were captain of your high school dance team or editor of the yearbook.

Unless the job you’re applying for directly relates back to those experiences, hit the delete button and make room for your more recent and important things.

4. Tailor Your Resume to the Job

Whether you’re applying for the same job title at different companies or broadening your search with different titles, no two jobs are the same and no two companies are the same.

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