Tattoo tips

How To Create Your Own Tattoo? | Step By Step Guide For Beginners

6. Drawing The Tattoo

When you are designing your tattoo, the best thing is to draw the tattoo. Drawing the tattoo will help you customize it and enhance the design.

Further sometime when you think of a tattoo design, you may forget it due to some reason. So, you must always draw the tattoo that you want to create in your body.


Think about what you want to create for your tattoo and try to draw it on plain paper. If you are not transcendent at drawing, you can also jot down the words in your note diary.

This will help you remember the design and convey it to the tattoo artist.

7. Sketching The Design

Sketching is a step further to get the detailed result of what you are going to have. If you can draw, you can also sketch the design without color schemes and shading.

Further, if you are watching for a black tattoo, you can sketch the design using black pencil and paper. Creating a sketch will always help the tattoo artist about what you want. In some cases, you may also go a little creative with your design.

Before visiting a tattoo artist, you can always draft your rough sketch; in this way, you can convey your needs to the tattoo artist.

8. Collaborating With The Tattoo Artist

Now that you are clear about creating your tattoo design, you now also have to convey it to the tattoo artist. Defining your idea to the tattoo artist can sometimes be challenging.

If you have a rough sketch, it is always easy for you. Every tattoo artist comes with their style. You need to make sure that they are a good listener.

This will help you find the best tattoo artist. However, if you find it difficult to find a reliable tattoo artist, here are some tips to get the best tattoo artist.

Observe if they follow hygiene standards: A tattoo artist must always wear medical-grade gloves to protect their client and themselves. They must maintain a hygienic environment and use clean tools for tattooing.

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