College life

6 Easy Steps to Spring Clean Your Closet Today

It’s hard to believe February’s almost over! That means spring is coming, and with it comes the need to get your closet in shape for the new season.

I know: You’re busy. But please trust me on this, it is so worth it to tidy up your closet space, especially if you love fashion. I’m a messy person, and I tend to let my clothes pile up on the floor, or go too long without doing laundry. Not only does it make my place look gross and uncomfortable, but it stresses me out when I’m trying to pick out my outfit in the morning.


The beginning of spring is a great time to comb through everything and finally store/get rid of the clothes that are just getting in your way. We’ve covered spring cleaning on CF before, as well as closet organization tips, but this quicker guide is designed to be six steps that you can complete in an afternoon. (Do it today if you have time!)

Keep reading for a simple guide on how to execute your closet overhaul:

Table of Contents

1. Divide everything into piles.

You’ve probably heard this one before – but that’s because it’s necessary! 

Start by taking all of your clothes out of your closet and drawers. Then, sort out ALL your clothes into piles, as described in the paragraph below. I know it sounds daunting, especially if you have a huge wardrobe. But it has to be done! You can also try doing it in pieces to minimize the amount of clothes you’re sifting through at a time. (Think activewear first, then jeans, etc.)

Here are the piles to make:

  1. Clothes you wear often. Think favorites, basics, things you love and wear all the time.
  2. Clothes you don’t wear very much or at all. Be honest here! You’re going to sort through these in detail later. Include the “why do I even have this?” items, and the “oh, I forgot I had this” items.
  3. Clothes you WOULD wear if they fit right, or if they were repaired/altered. These clothes need some work to become daily wears.
  4. Seasonal items – think heavy winter coats, boots, and other items you won’t need in the spring.

Alright, step one completed! Let’s move on to the next.

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