Men's fashion guides

Revenge Of The Nerds: How Dressing Like A Dork Got Cool

Here’s a fun game to try at home. First, grab yourself some paper and jot down all the most categorically uncool items of clothing from when you were growing up. Next, simply tick them off one by one as they inexplicably worm their way into mainstream fashion.

Today, unhip is the new hip – something which (aside from being the reason we can now legitimately use the word “hip”) is having a dramatic effect on how men dress. The movement has been called anti-fashion, a middle finger to previously dominant ideas of what’s stylish. Nerdy staples like baggy fleece jackets, corduroy trousers and touristy trainers are suddenly the toast of menswear.


But why? Simon Chilvers, men’s style director at MatchesFashion, has a few ideas.

“I think a lot of these nerdy elements are a response to all that sleek sportswear and branded product that has been exhausted by Instagram likes,” he explains. “The conversation around dad sneakers has gone mass, to the point of being borderline over. Meanwhile, things like bum-bags have been a slower burn. What I’m excited to see is what comes next in this narrative. Square-toed shoes anyone?”

Functional Fashion Is King

While square-toed shoes aren’t quite there yet, they certainly aren’t out of the question – Balenciaga’s latest derbies are as square as can be. The way things are going, don’t bet against boot-cut jeans making a comeback as designers and shoppers redefine what’s cool.

“Consumers are being more inventive with their looks and we’re seeing shoppers mix up their style and push the boundaries of traditional dress codes,” says Carl Tallents, head of brand at high end retail chain Flannels. “This might come in the form of a fleece being layered under a formal structured coat, or a belt bag worn over a double-breasted jacket.”

The Idle Man

Practicality is suddenly desirable. “The belt bag, for example, is a classic hands-free style,” adds Tallents. “And, with the likes of Gucci and Fendi creating chic, premium versions, it’s something that can now be worn on any occasion.”

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