
Brandon Ingram’s 46 Tattoos & Their Meanings

The 2nd youngest player in NBA, Ingram, is an extremely talented player and his height, 6.9 feet, makes him a nightmare for other players and an advantage to his team. He was selected by the Los Angeles Lakers with the second overall pick in the 2016 NBA draft. He is also one of the most tattooed men in NBA, who has started getting inks at 15 years of age. Let’s understand the meanings behind his tattoos.


1. “Live for Today, Pray for Tomorrow” on his Chest

2. “Celtic Cross with Wings” on his Chest

Tattoo: Celtic Cross with wings

Meaning: Ingram has a massive tattoo of a winged Celtic cross inked on his chest. In an interview, he said that it was to pay tribute to his deceased family members.

3. “Donald and Joann” on his Right and Left Shoulders

Tattoo: Donald and Joann

Meaning: Ingram got his shoulders inked with the names of his parents. Donald is his father’s name, and Joann is his mother’s name.

4. Numeral “4” on his Chest

5. “Spade” on his Chest

6. Numeral “104” on his Stomach

7. “Praying Angel” on his Waist

8. “Hands Shaking” on his Lower Waist

9. “Script” on his Left Forearm

10. “Barbed Wire Wrist Band” on Right Wrist

11. “Basketball” on his Right Forearm

12. “Dear Angels, Your Memories Are Always In My Heart” with Praying hands on his Right Shoulder

Tattoos: Hands Cupped in Prayer and a quote”Dear Angels, Your Memories Are Always In My Heart.”

Meaning: Ingram has Praying hands tattoo inked on his right Shoulder. A quote, Dear Angels, Your Memories Are Always In My Heart, is inked near the cupped hands. This tattoo is inked to pray the tribute to all the deceased members of his family. Ingram has himself drew the blueprint of this tattoo as he has a passion for drawing since childhood.

13. “In Life, all you have is time” with a Pendulum Clock on his Upper Right Arm

14. “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot” on his Right Forearm

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