BeautySkin care

25 Amazing Home Remedies For Blackheads

Blackheads might sound like a silly problem, but in actual, it is a real struggle for many people. Any attempt to get them removed at a salon can leave us in a pool of tears and “red-faced”. There is no point undergoing so much trauma every time when you have these quick and easy home remedies to remove blackheads. Yes! You heard that, right!


Unlike the parlour treatments, which involve poking and stabbing of your pores, these natural methods do not cause any pain. They gently work on the roots and leave your skin in a flawless condition. Read along to try these fantastic masks at home and find out the results yourself!

What Are Blackheads?

Blackheads are caused when the skin pores are clogged with excess sebum or oil, dirt, dead cells, hair follicles or bacteria. With them, they get oxidised and turn into tiny black coloured lesions. They are more likely to appear on the nose and the T-zone of your face, because of the high concentration of sebaceous glands in those regions. As they are caused beneath the skin’s surface, getting rid of them with a regular face wash or a mild scrub cannot be effective.

Here are some of the common signs of blackheads for easy identification-

  • Dark spots on the skin, which are slightly raised
  • No inflammation or pain associated with them
  • Adds a coarse texture to the skin when you feel them with your hand

Top Home Remedies to Removing Blackheads

Fortunately for us, there are a number of everyday ingredients which can work wonders in blackhead removal. Since they are all-natural, you need not worry about side effects:

1. Raw Potato for Blackheads:

Potato is considered one of the best natural ways to remove blackheads at home. It works by soaking excess oil and cleansing it from deep inside. The skin lightening properties of Potato juice can give you a renewed face.

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