
35+ Amazing Dodo Tattoos with Meaning

The Dodo is an extinct flightless bird, that was native to the island of Mauritius. Since the actual look of the dodo is exhibited through drawings, paintings, and written accounts from the 17th century only, the accurate aspect is even now doubtful. It is depicted to have brownish-grey feathers, yellow feet, green, yellow, and green beak, grey naked head, fatty and clumsy body. The first recorded recognition of the dodo was given by Dutch Sailors in 1598. It is believed that they were extinct by 1681 and due to which their behaviour is not well known by anyone, though their creative and distinctive looks are the main reason why people get themselves inked with dodo tattoos. They symbolise animal extinction, protection, creativity, and much more. There is an endless list of different types of dodo tattoos, each having its respective meaning and explanation. Here, in this article, you will find different dodo tattoos with their relevant meaning and explanation, and why people get themselves inked with dodo tattoos.

  • ‘Dodo with Frame’ Tattoo

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