
31 Best Hipster Beard Styles (2022 Guide)

Hipster beard style is indeed the most followed fashion trend in the world with a huge tribe of followers found in every part of the world. Describing a hipster, however, is rather an arduous task since the term is highly flexible when it comes to looks and appearances. But, a few common and essential characters of hipsters involve a highly social yet carefree personality.

The personality is enhanced by the most up-to-date outfits and accessories. With indie music as their favorite music genre, hipsters are a big fan of multicultural influences, politics, and arts.



What Do ‘Hipster’ Means

The term hipster was coined in 1940 and was popularly used to highlight a group of people in direct linkage with JAZZ music. But the modern hipster is more focused toward building an individual image and characterization of their own personality rather than solidifying the social bonds.

Today, the hipster style is more about an open rejection of the current social norms and living an independent life with the slogan “my life my rules”.


Hipster Beard Origin

Hipster fashion is supremely devoted to the ultimate personal looks of a rebel. It was in the late ’90s when hipster beards revolutionized facial hair fashions.  This was after a break of almost 25 years during which men had become more devoted toward clean shaved sensual cheeks. Since the hipsters try to do something different from the rest of the world, this could be stated as the most valid reason for the hipster beard fashion emerging in the era of no facial hairs at all.


How to Grow a Hipster Beard

Hipster beard comes in a variety of styles and lengths. But in short, it is a full beard with some of the finest stylings. The most important is the charisma of the personality that must be preserved and should pose an ultimately unique look; a hallmark of the hipsters.

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