
Hing During Pregnancy (Asafoetida) Should Be Cautiously Taken Or Avoided

Hing is a wonderful herb that is widely used by Indians especially in vegetarian meals. This adds a unique flavor to the dish and helps in giving some medicinal properties to the dish as well. It helps in breathing difficulties, menstrual problems, and infection of the genitals and also to treat depression. With so many benefits of hing, it is still used sparingly and in miniscule quantities in cooking. We just use a pinch of hing in dishes to get its flavor and nutrients. An overdose of hing during pregnancy is very harmful and so must be avoided. There can be cases of miscarriages for pregnant women when more quantity of hing is taken.


Is it Safe to Use Hing During Pregnancy?

Many ladies ask, ‘can I eat hing during pregnancy?’ Hing can be consumed while you are expecting but you must make sure that your daily intake is miniscule. A dish should contain just a pinch of hing so in that case, your intake of hing should be much less than that. This way it is safe to have hing during pregnancy. It is beneficial in curing colic pain and flatulence so most mothers will get relief from this during pregnancy.

Benefits of Eating Hing in Pregnancy:

The benefits of hing during pregnancy are passed on to mothers as it eases their pain and bloating. It is good for asthma patients as it helps in breathing problems. Same goes for patients with bronchitis and whooping cough. Hing is also known to clear an upset stomach and irritable bowel syndrome. All these are problems that expecting mothers can face while pregnant. So any natural means of curing it is always helpful for mothers as they cannot consume medications during their trimesters. When hing is added to dishes that are normally heaty and can cause bloating, it helps to lower the level of flatulence. So adding a pinch of hing to dishes like daal, rajma, chole, etc gives you better chances of reduced bloating.

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