Tattoo ideas

Forest Tattoo Meaning – What Do Different Forest Tattoos Symbolize?

Forest and tree tattoo designs allow the tattoo collector to include other symbols, such as animals, skylines, symbology, or plant life into their body art.

The horizon, treeline, and different tree species can be linked with things you can see but can’t quite touch, and a dense collection of trees can enhance a powerful symbol with style and technical dexterity.


Birds and insects add depth and subtlety to your forest sleeve tattoo art, while a small tattoo can be expanded by forest creatures such as bears, deers, and wolves, animals that are popular in adapting greater symbolism to a tree tattoo design of a cedar tree or birch tree.

The following story examines the popular symbolic meanings behind forest tattoo ideas, how different themes are applied, and why the forest has a range of style and application choices.

1. Forest Tattoo Meaning

Source: @dracol33 via Instagram

The forest symbolizes the deep mystery of nature and a connection to the cycles of life that we seem so far removed from in our modern lives.

There is great meaning within a range of tattoo designs capturing unspoiled nature, whether it’s strong tree tattoo design or ink exploring the harmony between different creatures and plants playing their roles.

We are also connected to the forest through vacations, adventure, animals and plants, and maybe even the picturesque scenery that we can view from our homes, or are part of local identities.

Modern men and women often long for humanity’s hunter-gatherer origins and get forest tattoos to symbolize this yearning. With over half of the world’s 7.8 billion people living in urban environments, it’s easy to see why the forest often calls.

2. Symbolism in Tree Tattoos

Source: @roch_saint via Instagram

Forest tattoos include trees, either grouped or individually. Trees are found in nearly every natural landscape across the globe and make exceptional contrasts for your tattoo idea.

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