
17 Top Foods and Beverages to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey. The fact that a woman is about to welcome a newborn to this world is itself fascinating. But the phase and journey are not easy – there are several ups and downs, pains and happiness associated with it. One such known fact is having food cravings during pregnancy. But, are all craved foods healthy during pregnancy? Let’s find out the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy.


“There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” —James E. Faus

The first thing to do when pregnancy is confirmed is to run to the doctors, and he will immediately chalk you a chart of all the dos and don’ts. One of the most common confusions to first-time mothers is what to eat and what not to during pregnancy process.

Top 17 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy:

Listed down are some of the foods you should be giving a stink eye to once you start expecting.

1. Caffeine:

One of the foods that rule around this time should be your coffee tin. You always wonder why the checkups always term your baby as underweight even after your desperate try to eat more and more for the baby. There is nothing wrong with the baby. It is your lifestyle techniques. Doctors regularly say that caffeine can be the reason why your baby is underweight. Excessive coffee intake can even lead to miscarriage. However, cutting off the caffeine from your diet may be a bit too harsh since chocolates also contain caffeine which is a common desire during pregnancy. Keep the limit below 200 mg per day.

See More: Healthy Recipes For Pregnant Women

2. Tin Canned Foods:

With the modern-day setting in, cooking at your own home, preparing the entire process seems much more of a work than to just open an empty can of precooked premade delicious meat and salad. No matter how much they say this is an up to date food and no matter how much they guarantee their presence of intact nutrition, canned food at this time should be a strict no. This is because, in the canned foods, different types of preservatives are added to last long.

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