Hair care

10 Key Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds for Hair

Fenugreek is an annual plant and its seeds are widely used as the spice in dishes from South to Central Asia because of its health benefits. It’s called ‘methi’ in some parts of Asian countries. So, are Fenugreek seeds really beneficial to hair and health or it’s just a myth?

Yes, there are a lot of health benefits of Fenugreek seeds. It has several nutrient elements like potassium, calcium, dietary fiber and vitamins that’s why it is good to eat as a spice. But because of its unpleasant taste, many people don’t like it as a spice. But what many of us don’t know how good it is for our different body parts including hair, skin, heart, kidney etc.


Fenugreek seeds


Fenugreek Seed Benefits for Hair Care

For many years fenugreek seeds are being used for hair care. Several uses of fenugreek seeds for hair are as below:

To prevent hair loss

Soak the fenugreek seeds within water for several hours and blend them with little water or lemon juice. Apply it on all over your scalp and hair and let it dry. Then wash it, you won’t even need shampoo to rinse it, only water is enough.


To enhance hair growth

Take some coconut oil in a pan and add some fenugreek seed into it. Boil it until the seeds become reddish. Take the oil and let it be cooler. Then apply the warm oil on your scalp and hair. It will work like magic to enhance the growth of your hair.


To prevent premature greying of hair

Blend fenugreek seeds and curry leaves together and make a paste of it. Then apply it to your hair for half an hour and rinse it with a mild shampoo and cold water to prevent your hair from becoming grey before you are aged.


To heal dry and itchy scalp

Blend some fenugreek seed with an egg yolk and apply them all over your scalp and keep them for half an hour. Wash the scalp with mild shampoo and do that very well because the egg yolk makes the hair smell very unpleasant. After a couple of days, the dryness and itchiness should go away.

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