Tattoo guide

Feeling Sick After Getting a Tattoo? – Here’s Why!

Getting a tattoo may seem all fun and exciting, but for your body, the very process of getting tattooed and healing is pretty stressful. That is why a lot of people experience different, health-related things, and tattoo side effects once their tattoos are done.

Some feel ill, others feel nauseous, and others are just in a lot of pain for the first few days. It is safe to say that getting tattooed is a pretty unpleasant experience, especially if you have low pain tolerance and are prone to getting sick.


If you’re reading this, chances are you’re going through the unpleasant stage of tattoo healing right now. So, to make this as straightforward as possible (and save you from reading nausea), we’ll dive into the reasons you’re feeling sick after a tattoo. Let’s get started!

After-Tattoo Sickness or Tattoo Flu: 6 Things You Must Know

1. What Does The Body Go Through During and After a Tattoo?

Before we get into the reasons you’re feeling sick after a tattoo, we first must understand all the things the body goes through in such a process. That will offer some insight into your body reacting by making you feel sick, nauseous, and overall, pretty bad.

Now, during a tattooing process, your body is getting poked thousands of times. After all, the newly-created tattoo is also a newly-created open wound your body starts to prioritize for quick and proper healing. You’re purposefully wounding your body, so the body needs to respond to the wound or the damage.

As a result, white blood cells are ‘sent to the crime scene’ to fix what can be fixed. For example, these cells transport the excess ink particles and dispose of them through the bloodstream; this is the work of your lymphatic system.

But, what exactly is happening in your body during and after a tattoo?

  • Thanks to the fast work of your white blood cells, your adrenaline increases, which can increase your heart rate. This alone can make you feel dizzy and weak since your body is in a ‘fight or flight’ mode; it is being attacked by a tattoo needle thousands of times, so the reaction is pretty normal.
  • Your body becomes stressed and tense as a response to the repeated pain. Alongside the increased adrenaline, the stress and tension in the body create a concoction of reactions that directly affect your immune system.
  • As your immune system gets involved in the situation, it also becomes weaker. This means, your body is weak, the immune response impaired and as a result, you’re prone to sickness after a tattoo more than you’d usually be.

Because of this, it is essential to take care of your body before and after a tattoo. What we mean by this is; drink plenty of water, eat healthy, nutritional food, get some physical activity and consider vitamin supplements if you think your vitamin intake is insufficient. All of this will help your immune system stay at the top of its game, especially during the tattoo aftermath and the healing process.

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