Men's lifestyle

40 Things That Are Worth The Money

The wise and very rich Warren Buffet once said that “price is what you pay; value is what you get.” And at a net worth of over 63 billion dollars, dude should know.

The message is clear: just because something’s exorbitantly expensive doesn’t mean it’s value for money, and just because something else is languishing in a bargain bin doesn’t mean it’s not.


These are the things we think it’s worth spending on. Because sometimes the extra outlay’s worth it.

1. Spotify.

2. Art that you actually like. Sure, you could look at it purely as an investment, but if you don’t like what you buy enough to hang it on a wall at home, then you’re not really getting your money’s worth.

3. A personal trainer. Because that beach body isn’t going to make itself.

4. Quality shoes. Obviously. Look for full grain leather and Goodyear-welted construction for smart shoes that’ll last.

5. An ergonomic desk and chair. Because no matter how expensive you think they are, they’re cheaper than a chiropractor.

6. A comfortable mattress. And high-thread count sheets. In fact, everything about your bed and what’s on it should be the very best you can afford. Remember: two of the best things in life happen here, so don’t skimp.

7. A barber you can trust to cut your hair properly. They might charge as little as £10 or as much as £100 – if it means you walk out with a barnet more Brad Pitt than Boris Johnson, it’s money well spent.


8. Laser eye surgery. Because there’s no price on your sight. Plus, how many pairs of expensive glasses have you lost in the last six months?

9. Gadget insurance. You will lose/drop/flood your iPhone at some point.

10. Travelling. Anywhere. If you were to die tomorrow, chances are seeing as much of the world as possible in your tragically short life wouldn’t rank high on your regrets list.

11. Non-stop flights. Travelling any other way isn’t worth it.

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