Men's style

12 Pieces Of Menswear That Will Last A Lifetime

Fast fashion has its advantages (mainly when next-day delivery gets you out of a sartorial pickle the week before payday). But it’s quality, sustainable fashion that lasts.

Just look at a select few of menswear’s most respected brands, who guarantee their products for life. It’s a brave promise, given the savvy nature of today’s clued-up, value-hungry shopper. But given that it’s as much an indication of professional pride as it is a sign of quality, it’s one worth looking out for.


“It’s my job to recommend that investing in a well-made piece of clothing is worth the money,” says Selfridges personal shopping manager Daniel Rhone. “A guarantee is a way of demonstrating that what they are buying represents a lifetime investment. It’s hard to argue with.”

Of course, not all guarantees are created equal. Most include the option of repair where they can, and a replacement if they can’t. This usually also includes a fair use policy. So if you’ve been using your brogues to climb Everest, they probably won’t be covered.

For our money, these are the best brands to go the distance with.

A.P.C. Jeans

Denim by Paris-based A.P.C. is widely regarded as some of the best on the market, not least because of the way its raw, untreated jeans wear in over time.

But one side effect of wearing in stiff denim is that they can be prone to wearing out in areas like the seat, crotch and pockets.

If this does happen, provided you’ve washed them according to the label’s instructions (by hand, in cold water and using a delicate care detergent), they may qualify for the Butler exchange programme. Give A.P.C. your old jeans, and they’ll give you a new pair at half the price, thus replenishing your jean pool.

Tom Cridland Sweatshirt

British designer Tom Cridland is on a mission to make clothes that last, and help save the environment in the process.

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