
A Fashionable History: Elizabethan England

Queen Elizabeth I (Source: Wikimedia)

While Elizabethan fashion may have made a comeback several times on the red carpet, it’s never quite made it back to the streets. Not that it’s really a surprise – Elizabethan fashion has never really looked wearable. Ruffs (those starched ruffle collars), for instance, seem as though they might be the worst thing since unsliced bread.

But I have to say, I love love love the look of Elizabethan style. Would I trade my jeans for petticoats? Hell no, but that doesn’t stop Good Queen Bess from being one of my style icons. Of course, there’s more to the style of the era than just ruffs and powdered wigs, so here’s a brief history of Elizabethan fashion:


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Elizabethan Fashion Overview

The Elizabethan era ran from 1558 to 1603, and was considered by some a golden age for England. As the rule of Queen Elizabeth I was also the high point of the English renaissance, it was also a great time for music, art, and, of course, theater (thanks, Shakespeare). As the Queen herself was an avid follower of fashion, the extravagant styles appeared during this time. Though it’s said that Queen Elizabeth dressed casually when left to her own devices, when she was in public, she was always the best dressed person in the room.

By that, I don’t just mean that the Queen’s sartorial choices were extra amazing 24/7 (though they were). The sumptuary taxes that were in place at the time determined what someone was allowed to wear based on their class. Colors, fabrics, and even styles were limited based on one’s station. So, quite literally, no one could dress better than the Queen. 

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