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10 Best Charcoal Soaps Available In India 2022

Charcoal Soaps are the latest fad in the beauty segment! These jet black colored soaps contain activated charcoal as the key ingredient, renowned for its skin-clearing properties. Unlike the regular soaps which only remove the surface level dirt, Charcoal soaps can draw out excess oil, impurities and debris from the deeper layers of your skin pores. The result – squeaky clean skin!

In this article, we shall help you understand more about the benefits of these soaps, along with the best Charcoal soaps available in the Indian market. Read along to find out why these products are worth a try!


Benefits of Charcoal Soaps:

Before we begin talking about the pros of these soaps, let us understand what are Charcoal soaps?

As mentioned earlier, Charcoal soaps are made with Activated charcoal or carbon that is formed from the burnt wood, coal, coconut husk etc. By burning these substances are extremely high temperatures, oxygen from remnant charcoal gets removed. This provides it with the natural ability to absorb impurities and toxins.

Now, let us look into the advantages of using a Charcoal Soap:

  • Draws out Impurities: Did you know that activated charcoal has the power to absorb thousand times of its own weight? This absorption property benefits our skin by sucking out all the impurities and pollutants present in the pores.
  • Treats Oily Skin: Charcoal present in the soap can absorb excess oil from the skin like a sponge. After just a single use, you can notice an oil-free, mattifying look on your face and body.
  • Reduces Acne: By absorbing toxins, excess sebum and debris from your skin pores, charcoal soap creates an unfavourable environment for bacterial growth. Thus, it reduces skin infections, particularly acne.
  • Reduces Pore Size: Charcoal soap can shrink your skin pores and make them less noticeable.
  • Gentle Exfoliation: The slightly coarse texture of a charcoal soap can work like a mild exfoliator to buff away dead cells, along with accumulated dirt on the skin.

10 Best Charcoal Soaps To Try In 2022:

Let us now explore a few best-rated charcoal soaps available currently in the Indian market:

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