
15 Cute But Deadly Animals That Can Actually Kill You

Who doesn’t love animals? Whether it’s your adorable dog or your friend’s pet parrot, animals help make everything better. There’s something about these lovable creatures that warms the heart. But be warned, not every endearing animal is keen on you giving it a hug. The world is full of cute but deadly animals that you should stay away from. It turns out looks can be deceiving, especially when it comes to cute animals.

There are so many cute and furry creatures that are actually super dangerous. While many of these animals appear docile, they are in fact aggressive killers. Some only attack when approached or threatened, while others will hunt humans like prey. To make sure you are safe when encountering an adorable looking animal you might not have seen before, here are 15 cute but deadly animals to avoid. 


1. Slow Loris

This cute fella looks absolutely harmless, but the slow loris is one deadly creature. The primate lives in Southeast Asia and has adorable large eyes and a furry coat. It looks like it wants to be picked up and cuddled. That would be a bad idea. The slow loris not only has super sharp teeth that can leave a nasty bite mark, but many of them carry diseases that can kill humans. Their bite can also lead to an anaphylactic shock, which is a severe allergic reaction that can cause chest pains, fever, swelling of the throat, abdominal pain, and even death. So if you ever see a slow loris in the wild or are thinking of getting one as a pet, you might want to think twice. 

2. Giant Anteater

South America is home to the giant anteater. The main difference between this animal and a normal anteater is the size. Fancy that? The giant anteater lives in a variety of landscapes and is generally a shy creature that keeps to itself. They avoid humans when possible, and if you do get close, you are in for a nasty surprise. The giant anteater has long sharp claws that can cause big-time damage. There have been several reports over the years of anteaters killing humans, with two hunters in Brazil losing their lives after provoking a giant anteater. 

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