
The 10 Most Evil Doctors the World Has Ever Seen

When it comes to trusting professionals, doctors are high on the list. As a society we expect them to do everything they can to help us with our health. We go to them with your problems and believe they will give us the right advice. Whether visiting their office or laying on the operating table, we put our faith in doctors to do the right thing. But what happens when this trust is broken? The thought of evil doctors is something you only read about in fictional books or see in movies, right? Think again. 

Over the centuries there have been multiple tales of health professionals taking advantage of their patients. Some do it for money, others for the thrill of the kill. Some are even serial killers masquerading as doctors. Then there are those who kill to help, like the infamous Dr. Kervorkian. 


No matter the reasons, history shows that there have been many notorious doctors who have used their position of power to kill. From Nazi physician Josef Mengele to ‘America’s first serial killer’ H. H. Holmes, these are the 10 most evil doctors to ever grace the earth. 

1. Morris Bolber


Known as the ‘Mob doctor’ due to his connection to the underworld, Morris Bolber was a nasty piece of work. He was a Russian Jewish immigrant who was part of the ‘Philadelphia Poison Ring.’ This was a mob-connected operation in the 1930s involved in all sorts of crimes. Arson, counterfeiting, and a dodgy insurance business were just some of the pies the gang had its fingers in. 

Bolber was recruited to give unsuspecting victims injections that would ‘protect them.’ Instead, they were given arsenic and murdered. The gang would then collect on the life insurance papers they made each victim sign. It’s estimated 30-50 people were killed by Bolber, who eventually turned state’s evidence after being arrested in 1939. For his part in the murders, Bolber was sentenced to life in prison. He escaped the electric chair due to his help with the investigation and died in prison in 1954.

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