
The 40 Best Creative Hobbies You Can Try

There are so many different hobbies you can try. For those who like a bit of danger, you can try dangerous and extreme hobbies. Want to earn some cash on the side? Try these money-making hobbies. Or maybe you just want to get outdoors and try something new? Whatever tickles your fancy, there is a hobby for you. This also goes for those who want to give some creative hobbies a go.

These activities are great for those of you who want to stimulate the right-hand side of your brain. They allow you to indulge in your creative side while still doing something fun that will bring you pleasure. Whether you enjoy drawing, photography, or making t-shirts, these are the 40 best creative hobbies you can have a crack at this year. 


1. Writing

One of the easiest yet hardest creative hobbies is writing. The hardest part is actually sitting down to write, but once you get started you will find the words spilling onto the page. There are so many things you can write about. You can start a short story or that novel you have always wanted to write. Begin a journal and record what is happening in your life. Write poetry or reviews of your favorite films and albums. The options are endless. You can even turn this into a side hustle if you start freelancing.

2. Cooking

For some, cooking brings lots of joy. If you enjoy whipping up a feast in the kitchen, it may be something you want to take up as a creative hobby. Start cooking new and different foods. Try out recipes you wouldn’t normally and start mixing things up by changing the original instructions. Cooking allows you to express yourself through food. The best thing is you are left with a tasty meal or treat at the end of it to enjoy. 

3. Painting

You might not be the next Jackson Pollock, but painting is another creative hobby that allows you to express yourself in. an artistic manner. Similar to writing, painting allows you to create anything you want. Paint a self-portrait or a nearby landscape. Try and get your pet to stay still and paint a picture of them. If you like what you have painted you can whack it in a frame and hang it up on your lounge room wall and show it off to your friends. 

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