Tattoos with meaning

Cicada Tattoo Meaning, Designs & Ideas

One trait of the cicada that not many will think about is the representation of seduction and sexuality. What makes the cicada most well known is their mating song. It can be heard for miles and if you are holding a male cicada up close, their song can be so loud it is painful. Being the characteristic that most people would recognize when talking about cicadas, we cannot ignore the fact that this is a mating call. Someone with a cicada tattoo might get this to represent sensuality or romance. The male sings until a mate shows up. It’s quite the display of romance on the part of the male and you might want to represent that with a tattoo.

One thing to remember about the cicada tattoo as is the case with any tattoo, meanings and symbols are created over time through culture, context and mass opinion. The great thing about any tattoo is that nobody can tell you what it means. This is always up to the person that has the tattoo.


In this article, we tried to address some of the symbolism that has been noted over the years when discussing the cicada. The cicada tattoo is a representation of that symbol and it could mean a variety of things to the person with the tattoo. We hope that by reading this, you have a better understanding of the symbolism behind the cicada tattoo.

If you have any questions about what artist to go to or tattoos you might want to get, let us know. We would love to help you in your journey.

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