
Brad Pitt’s 10+ Tattoos & Their Meanings

Brad Pitt and his classy inks make him one of the most stylish celebrities in the world. Women are magical about him and so is with his tattoos. Brad Pitt is a very secretive person and thus, keeps mum most of the time about his ink and as to what it means. This makes us even more anxious because his tattoos usually have a unique meaning. Brad is kind of very mystical with the meaning of his tattoos. So no one actually knows the exact number of tattoos he has got, as he brags them out pretty lesser times, whereas commenting upon them is no less than a surprise. His tattoos are a blend of pragmatism and sentiments. Let us try and find out below as to what his body inks mean.


1. Forearm Tattoo

Brad Pitt’s left forearm bears a tattoo of the quote “Absurdities de l’ existence.” It is French meaning for “Life is absurd.” True that life gets illogical, inappropriate and weird once in a while, thereby making no sense of what is happening.

2. Sanskrit Tattoo

A tattoo in Sanskrit has been inked on the lower back of Brad Pitt on the left side. This tattoo matches Angelina Jolie’s tattoo also. This ink has been a sort of protection tattoo for his son, Maddox.

3. Angelina’s Scribblings 

Brad Pitt also had an ink on his lower back, which appeared quite haphazard. It was initially apparent that this tattoo was a sight of the first map of New Orleans Levee System but later on, Brad declared that it was actually a scribble done by Angelina Jolie on his back some fair night.

4. The Iceman Tattoo

Brad has an ink on his forearm, which is an outline of Ötzi the Iceman, also known as Frozen Fritz and Similaun Man.

On his left foremarm, Brad has the outline of a man known as Ötzi the Iceman, also known as Frozen Fritz and Similaun Man. Underneath the drawing is the word “invictus,” which means “unconquered.” The body art was added after one of his first tattoos, which lies right next to it. It is a phrase that reads “Absurdities de l’ existence,” which is French meaning “Life is absurd.”

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