Health & wellness

Bikram Yoga for Weight loss

Losing weight for some people is like going on a war. Not going by the literal sense of it. Losing weight becomes quite difficult for few people as flab just don’t go easily. We all want to lose weight and looking nice, curvy but very little we want to do to put that effort to do so. There are many crash diets available in the market that helps you to shed pounds way faster but that can put our health at jeopardy. So our focus should not be just to shed extra pounds but the healthy approach towards achieving it. There are various activities a person can indulge in if they want to lose weight. We have cardio training, machine training, meditation and the most popular yoga. Today we are going to discuss about Bikram Yoga that is hot yoga. People must be familiar with the latter one.


Hot yoga is definitely creating a buzz in the market recently because of a whole new approach. So before getting into details lets study the outline of it.

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What is Bikram Yoga?

This form of yoga is being formulated by Bikram choudhary which is different but elongated from the traditional hatha yoga only. A typical Bikram yoga session consists of 26 postures i 90 minutes. These 26 postures also include two breathing exercises. The room temperature is kept around 40 degree Celsius with 40% humidity.

Health Benefits of Hot Yoga:

Well one is crammed in a room with several others at a temperature of 40 with humidity. Everyone perspires and sweats till the last drop; this is the hottest fitness trend in town that is hot yoga. Increased room temperature can be correlated with improved functionality and activity of the body. It has various health benefits other than just losing pounds. When a body can perspire and fight in such a hot room it will definitely lose a lot of weight. As heat leads to the burning of fat in a body. Apart from this it can help in weight managing, toxin flushing, healing of injury and emotionally strengthened individuals.

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