Fashion tips

Ask CF: What Should I Wear for My Video Interview?

The right outfit can give you the confidence you need ace your interview.  

Welcome to the latest edition of Ask CF! Every two weeks, we select a reader fashion question and answer it here on the site. Do you have a specific fashion question for us? Scroll to the bottom of this post to learn how to send it our way!

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Ask CF Question

Dear CF,

I landed an interview for my dream job! The weird part is that it’s over video, so it’s harder to stand out visually. Do you have any tips on what to wear, including hair and makeup, for something that will only show me from the chest up?


Ready to work

Our Response

Dear Ready to Work,

Congratulations on your interview!  It’s so great that you have the opportunity to potentially land your dream job.

The truth is, dressing for a video interview is actually not so different from dressing for a regular in-person interview.  

However, before we get to the outfits–and hair and makeup looks!–that I’ve put together for you, there are a couple of tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid wearing navy blue or black tops/blazers, unless you break them up with something lighter or brighter: Since it’s harder to see details on camera than it is in real life, wearing these very dark colors can make it look like you’re disappearing into a black hole–which is not a good look for anyone! (Dark-colored bottoms are fine, though, since they won’t be seen during your interview.)
  • If you decide to wear something printed, stick with a pattern that isn’t too intricate: Loud, complicated patterns can be especially hard on the eye on camera, making it difficult for the interviewer to focus on you.
  • Avoid wearing jewelry that makes a lot of noise: While clanking bracelets, earrings, or necklaces can be disruptive in real life, they become even more distracting when you’re on camera, where the sound isn’t as clear as it is in real life. These noisy accessories can make it harder for your interviewer to hear what you’re trying to say.
  • Try on several looks before your interview–in front of the camera: Webcams are notoriously harsh on everyone’s features, so it’s a good idea to try on a couple of different outfits, hairstyles, and make-up looks with the camera going to see what looks best. You might feel silly doing this at first, but it’ll save you the trouble of realizing mid-interview that what you thought was the perfect look in real life falls flat on camera.  

Now that you have these ideas in mind, let’s break down the looks that I’ve assembled for you!

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