
Anne Hathaway Beauty Tips and Fitness Secrets

The white queen of Alice in Wonderland does pack a lot of power in her dark eyes and peachy pasty complexion. This woman at an early age has conquered the Hollywood industry by mega-hits like Princess diaries, less miserable, Valentine’s Day, and many more. But apart from a fully-fledged movie star Anne at her 30 s still carries a fresh and young look.


Some of her beauty norms and rituals have been disclosed so that others like her can be vibrant and colorful like her too.

Eat Right:

Every single actress has their own fitness routine. They are all diet-conscious and picky eaters. They stay away from junk foods and Anne here is no exception. She like everyone else maintains a strict diet which comprises of fresh fruits and nutritious vegetables. She believes in going organic. She also likes using jalapenos and hot pepper sauce which along with making the food taste good also curbs the hunger. She also follows a two-spoon olive oil routine to keep her weight in check.

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One of the most popular beliefs to great skin is the consumption of liquid in a huge amount. Liquid intake when done in a proper way keeps the body hydrated and makes the skin glow and healthy along with it. That is why Anne Hathaway’s secret to great skin is drinking lots and lots of water.


Anne is one tough girl when it comes to fitness training. She likes to sweat it out and therefore her vigorous intense workout session consists of rigorous exercises and stunt training followed by thorough dance training. She maintains a five days a week work-out where strength and cardio is one of her important criterions.

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Sometimes going organic is a good idea. When all the makeup is taken off and what is left is the bare skin which is exposed on a daily basis to pollution and harmful chemicals, Anne chooses homemade do-it-yourselves. Just a blissful hour of sitting around the house with a face pack on, that is her secret to glowing healthy skin.

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