
Beard Dandruff: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Beard dandruff is a common skin issue that occurs in most of the bearded men. It is a condition in which dry, white flaky skin appears under the beard that causes itching and can lead to severe skin irritation problems, is known as beard and mustache dandruff.

It happens when you do not pay attention to regular maintenance of the beard. It may also appear because of the weather and mostly observed in a winter season. It can be cured very easily, but need regular care.


If you are amongst those men who are facing the flaky beard problem, you are in luck to be here because below you will come to know the causes, prevention, and treatment for the dry beard.


Causes of Mustache & Beard Dandruff

Fungus: In oily skin, the flaky beard is mostly caused by fungi that attack the skin oil-producing cells or glands. When it attacks the sebum, it breaks down and oleic acid production increases. Excessive oleic acid causes skin irritation.

Dead Skin: Dry beard is also caused by the accumulation of dead cells on the skin. This accumulation occurs when the turnover rate (regeneration of skin cells) of your skin cells is higher than usual.

Dry Skin: If there is no fungi attack or dead skin problem, but you have some white flakes under your beard and mustache, it is due to your natural dry skin or it may be due to excessive use of shampoo and soap that makes your skin dry leading to dandruff on beard.

Beard length: When you grow a longer beard, the activity of sebum (skin oil) producing glands may affect due to beard length. The beard hair does not get enough natural oil, which causes the dry beard.


Tips to Prevent Flaky Beard

  • The most effective tip to prevent flaky beard is to keep your beard clean and hygienic, as dirt particles can stick in your unkempt beard and cause clogging of pores which ultimately leads to dandruff in the beard.
  • Do not use soap as it may contain harsh and harmful chemicals that can cause a dry beard. If you want to use soap, we recommend you to use the one that is medicated or less alkaline.
  • Exfoliate your skin two to three times a week to remove dead skin cells. You can use cleaners that contain lactic acid as it will dissolve the dead cells and make your skin even healthier.
  • Do not use extra warm and extra cold water to wash your beard as both can cause facial dandruff.
  • Keep your beard and the skin under your beard moisturized. Take two to three drop of oil on the fingertips and massage the skin under the beard gently.


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