Men's lifestyle

The Alpha Male Is Back – These Men Prove It

After a few years of much-needed introspection, the modern and thoughtful beta-male has been kicked in the conkers and told to sod off. Donald Trump is the Leader of the Free World, The Rock is the world’s highest-paid actor, and the head coach of the England rugby team is known for making grown men cry.

As such, the man of 2017 is encouraged to have big muscles and an even bigger personality. Yesterday’s alpha male – with his power dressing and old-fashioned notions of masculinity – has somehow guffawed his way back into polite society. Now he’s everywhere, back in charge, boasting at the top of his voice. He’s a bit of a twat.


But, but, in amongst the preposterousness of this godawful jerk, is there anything we can learn from him? Any lessons we can take from the silverbacks that will serve mankind well without transforming all of us into massive bellends? Only one way to find out. Let’s analyse the alphas.

Donald Trump

The Lesson: Own The Room

Not a day goes by when the world doesn’t feel punch-drunk by the sheer wattage of Trump’s style of presidency. Posturing, controversial and unapologetic, his critics will point out that he’s doing a great job of re-shackling men to a brand of masculinity that recently seemed threatened with extinction. But, believe it or not, there may be a few life lessons to take from the angry Cheeto.

“Determination, tenacity and decision-making are great examples of where alpha males excel,” says Dr Jane Cox, an internationally-renowned human behaviour expert. “They tend to walk tall, and good alpha males have a grace about them, and a charisma that immediately attracts attention.”

“Wannabe alpha males, on the other hand, will often overdo the swagger and the threatening behaviour to try and disguise their own discomfort at trying to fulfil a role they may not actually be ready or suited for.”

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