Tattoo ideas

What Does Aces Tattoo Mean?

Aces tattoos can represent a wide range of things, which is why they happen to be some of the most commonly seen playing card tattoos out there. Most people see the ace symbol and right away can recognize some of its meanings, but there are some lesser-known meanings that can also be attached to these designs. Below you will find some more information on the aces tattoo, including its symbolisms and some of the ways that you can get your tattoo designed.

You will find that just about every aces tattoo, regardless of the other meanings that people attach to them, represents power. This is because in most playing card games the ace is the most powerful card that you can get and it’s the one you’re hoping to find in your hand. As far as the meaning goes, some will get their ace tattoos to show that they feel like they have a lot of power over their lives, while others will get the tattoo to represent their want for more power in their lives.


When people do want to emphasize the “power” meaning in their aces tattoos, they will usually get the ace of spades in the design. The ace of spades has long been seen as the most powerful of the different ace cards, though in most cases it does not hold more power than the other aces in the game. Some people like that it holds this meaning and they get to choose a black version of the ace tattoo, which can sometimes look a bit better on the skin.

The aces tattoo can also represent winning for similar reasons to the ones mentioned above. If you have an ace or two in your hand, you have a pretty great shot at winning that hand in most games that you can play. Obviously this is a great meaning to use if you take winning seriously or you are in a very competitive profession and want to show that you are confident that you will always come out on top.

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