Style & fashion

Best 70s Fashion Outfits for Men & Women

Do you have a favorite decade? If the answer is yes, there’s a good chance that the 1970s ranks highly for you. After all, there’s a lot to love about the period of time that brought us bell-bottom pants and peasant blouses.

Even if these traditional 1970s-inspired styles don’t appeal to you, it’s possible that many of your favorite fashions of today have this influential decade to thank for their existence.


Here is an overview of some of the most attractive 1970s-inspired trends for both men and women.

70s Fashion Outfits for Men

1. Corduroy Outfits for Men


Corduroy is a unique type of fabric, known for its ribbed texture and durability. Although it has its origins in England in the 18th century, where it was used mostly as country wear, it gained mainstream popularity in the 1970s. While it is most commonly used for pants, corduroy can look just as snazzy when used more subtly, such as in a coat lining.


2. Dandy Outfits for Men


The word “dandy” is not one that you usually hear today, but there was a time when it was a lot more common. At its core, it refers to a well-put-together man who puts thought into his fashion choices. If this sounds like you, you can walk the walk by incorporating small details into your look. To keep it 1970s-inspired, consider simple accessories like a small scarf or gloves. 


3. Disco Outfits for Men











We couldn’t write an article about the 1970s fashion scene without writing about disco culture. Disco emerged in the club scene of big cities in the United States at the beginning of the 1970s and was immortalized in classic movies like Saturday Night Fever.

The disco movement had such an impact on American life that it inspired men’s clothing trends of its own, such as the three piece suit, geometric patterns, and — you guessed it — the one and only bell bottom pant.

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