Men's grooming

6 Ways To Get Whiter Teeth

Get The Right Five A Day

Fruit sugars mean tucking into a bowlful can cause problems. But pick the right salad and you can keep your teeth gleaming. Strawberries and apples both contain malic acid, which is a natural tooth cleanser, says dentist Dr Richard Marques, of Wimpole Street Dental.

Just steer clear of heavily pigmented fruit and vegetables, like blueberries and beetroot. “Their colourings can stain your teeth by binding to the tooth surface.” Ditto for curry, red wine and black coffee. Better known as your weekend.


Upgrade Your Toothpaste

Ordinary whitening toothpastes rarely work, according to research by the Advertising Standards Authority. But you can supercharge your goo by adding baking soda. “It’s a natural cleaning and oxidising agent,” says Marques.

Alternatively, he recommends a toothpaste containing charcoal, like Diamond Whites Black Edition. Counter-intuitively, the activated coconut shell charcoal whitens your smile. “It strengthens gums, removes toxins from the mouth and absorbs bacteria.” Dipping your toothbrush in barbecue ash probably doesn’t give the same results.

Go Coco Loco

A coconut’s shell isn’t its only mouth-pleaser. “You can use coconut oil as a mouthwash,” says Marques. “Use a tablespoon and swill it in your mouth for as long as you can. Up to 15 minutes is ideal.”

This traditional Indian technique pulls bacteria from your gums and lubricates your teeth to prevent stains sticking, which slashes rates of gingivitis and plaque formation, according to Nigerian research. Guzzling a Bounty bar doesn’t count.

Coconpure (Coconut Oil), available at MyProtein.

Got Milk?

Eat a diet that matches your ideal smile, says Marques. “The whiter the foods you eat, the whiter your teeth will be.” And you’re best washing that chicken, rice and fish down with cow juice. “Calcium in milk helps strengthen tooth enamel and structure, as well as your jawbone.”

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