College life

10 Tips to Beat the Mid-Semester Blues & Stay Motivated

So we’re about halfway done with the semester – congratulations on making it this far!

Surely you’ve been working hard, but as mid-semester rolls around, it can be difficult to find the motivation to continue to get things done.


We all have those lazy days when we feel apathetic, uninspired, and not in the mood for doing anything. Whether it’s due to lack of energy, loss of interest, or fluctuations in mood, staying on task can be challenging at times and lack of motivation can be a real hindrance when trying to accomplish things on a tight college schedule.

Check out these tips below to help you stay motivated, chip away at that never-ending to-do list, and power through the rest of the semester:

Table of Contents

Set Small Goals

Imagine yourself where you want to be and start taking small initiatives to work up to a larger goal. Success is often measured by the accomplishment of many small milestones, not the overall final goal, so focus on progress to keep motivation from dwindling.

Take things one step at a time – you only have to get through one day, one exam, one workout, one project.

Breaking down large efforts into smaller tasks can help things seem less daunting and more manageable.

Then, be sure to reward yourself (more below) for accomplishing small goals and celebrate every milestone you reach.

Reward Yourself

One of the defining characteristics of the mid-semester blues is feeling overworked, with seemingly no end in sight.

In order to alleviate this listlessness, try and set up little rewards for every goal that you accomplish, proportionate to the importance of the task itself.

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